Irish American Democrats announce 2014 Endorsements

Once again, Irish Americans present a roster of competent, professional legislators as candidates for Congress.  Brendan Boyle, Kathleen Rice, and the other candidates listed below, offer Americans an opportunity to turn a dysfunctional Congress into a serious legislative body that performs as it should.

We include here the challengers for the House and some of the other Irish Americans and Friends of Ireland who are running in November.
House of Representatives
Aimee Belgard  (NJ)  2014 Challenger 
Tim Bishop (NY)
Brendan Boyle (PA)  2014 Challenger 
John Callahan (PA)
Michael Capuano (MA)
John Carney (DE)
Nick Casey   (WV)  2014 Challenger 
Gerry Connolly (VA)
Joe Courtney (CT)
Joseph Crowley (NY)
Joe Donnelly (IN)
Mike Doyle (PA)
Sean Eldridge  (NY)  2014 Challenger 
Eliot Engel (NY)
Brian Higgins (NY)
Maurice Hinchey (NY)
Tim Holden (PA)
Bill Keating (MA)
Joseph Kennedy  (MA)
Dan Kildee  (MI)
Kelly Kultala (KS)  2014 Challenger 
Stephen Lynch (MA)
Carolyn Maloney (NY)
Sean Patrick Maloney  (NY)
Edward Markey (MA)
Carolyn McCarthy (NY)
Betty McCollum  (MN)
Jim McDermott (WA)
James McGovern (MA)
Michael Patrick McKenna  (FL)  2014 Challenger 
Jerry McNerney (CA)
James Moran (VA)
Patrick Murphy  (FL)
Patrick Murphy  (IA) 2014 Challenger 
Richard Neal (MA)
Rick Nolan  (MN)
Frank Pallone (NJ)
Suzane Patrick  (VA )  2014 Challenger 
Beto O’Rourke  (TX)
Donald Payne Jr. (NJ)
Kathleen Rice (NY)   2014 Challenger 
Tim Ryan (OH)
Carol Shea-Porter  (NH)
John Tierney (MA)
Peter Welch (VT)