Why is Irish support vital in the US Presidential elections?

Irish American Democrats President Stella O’Leary recently joined Irish Network Dublin, and the Clinton Institute at UCD for a discussion on the 2016 Presidential Election and it’s relevance for Ireland and Irish America. Below, find a recording of her remarks, and clips from “Why is Irish support vital in the US Presidential elections?”

“Although not often mentioned on the campaign trail, the Irish are key to winning elections in the United States for two reasons: they love politics and they get out and vote. That’s according to Irish American Democrat Stella O’Leary.”

“Earlier this week O’Leary, a native Dubliner, was joined by the former US coraprirespondent for the Irish Times Conor O’Clery for a fireside chat, hosted by the Clinton Institute of University College Dublin and the Irish Network Dublin. The event took place in the beautiful Royal Hibernian Institute. Their lively and engaging discussion, “The American Presidential Election and its Relevance to Ireland,” touched on the topics of, among others, immigration reform in the United States and why it is that that the Republican Party is seeing such a show of support.”

“There’s no question that on cultural issues the Irish American Diaspora is more interested in their heritage, I would say, apart from the Jewish people, they are the most interested in their heritage of any of the groups in the United States,” O’Leary replied.”

“The reason that they are so important to politicians in America is that they’re terrific voters. The Irish have a history of voting and right now, using computers, they can calculate, or estimate, exactly who’s voting.”